

电脑教程 diannaojiaocheng 4℃








You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen when your heart's not open
You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You're frozen when your heart's not open
Mmm-mm-mm… If I could melt your heart
Mmm-mm-mm… We'd never be apart
Mmm-mm-mm… Give yourself to me
Mmm-mm-mm… You are the key
Now there's no point in placing the blame
And you should know I'd suffer the same
If I lose you' my heart would be broken
Love is a bird' she needs to fly
Let all the hurt inside you die
You're frozen when your heart's not open
Mmm-mm-mm… If I could melt your heart
Mmm-mm-mm… We'd never be apart
Mmm-mm-mm… Give yourself to me
Mmm-mm-mm… You are the key
You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen when your heart's not open
Mmm-mm-mm… If I could melt your heart
Mmm-mm-mm… We'd never be apart
Mmm-mm-mm… Give yourself to me
Mmm-mm-mm… You are the key
Mmm-mm-mm… If I could melt your heart
Mmm-mm-mm… We'd never be apart
Mmm-mm-mm… Give yourself to me
Mmm-mm-mm… You are the key
If I could melt your heart



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