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    Introduction 介绍

    Now that the dust of the Diamond vs. Omnia PocketPC battle settles down, our up close and personal look at the rivals continues with Samsung i900 Omnia. Slick looks, great feature-pack and ingenious software solutions are things that hold true for the i900 Omnia in the same extent as for the Diamond.

    钻石与 900 的对决已经尘埃落地(作者还写过两者的对比评测),关于 900 将更进一步评测。漂亮的外观,丰富的功能,有创意的软件解决方案,这些特点与钻石一样。

    And since the Samsung i900 Omnia boasts loads of character and personality it’s no wonder it holds the crowd hooked ever since it was announced. The first five megapixel Windows Mobile cameraphone has inspired quite a following and now that it’s already market available in Europe we are more than happy to welcome the Omnia back after a well deserved breather. Well then, we’ve seen it race, let’s watch it cruise.

    因为 900 的众多特点和特色,毫无疑问从其发布之日起就吸引了众多眼球。作为第一款 500 万像素 wm 手机,引起了广泛的兴趣,现在已经在欧洲市场有售。

    Samsung i900 Omnia official photos

    Key features: 主要功能

    Quad-band GSM support  4 频 GSM 网络支持

    3G with HSDPA 7.2 Mbps   高达 7.2m 速率的 3G 网络

    Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional OS   wm6.1 操作系统

    624MHz Marvell PXA312 CPU and 128 MB RAM intel   顶级 624mhz cpu 和 128ram 内存

    3.2″ 65K-color touchscreen with resolution of 240 x 400 pixels   3.2 寸 6 万 5 千色硬触摸屏幕,分辨率 wqvga

    5 megapixel autofocus camera with wide dynamic range mode, face tracking, smile detection, geotagging    500 万像素动态模式、脸部识别、笑脸识别、

    8 to 16 GB of storage memory, microSD expansion    内置 8-16g 存储空间, tf 卡扩展

    Built-in GPS receiver with A-GPS 内置 gps ,支持 a-gps

    Wi-Fi 无线网络

    Stereo Bluetooth and USB connectivity 立体声蓝牙、 usb 连接

    FM radio with RDS 支持 rds 的 fm 收音

    Optical joystick with virtual mouse functionality 光学鼠标

    Built-in accelerometer for auto screen rotation and call muting 内建重力加速和自动屏幕旋转、自动静音

    TV-out 电视输出

    Solid build and great finish 良好的做工

    Slick design and slim body 漂亮的设计和苗头的身材

    Nice battery life 出色的待机时间

    Fast response and performance 快速的反应和运行

    Excellent thumb-optimized software package 出色的针对手指操作的软件优化

    Thumbable virtual QWERTY keyboard with optional landscape mode 手指操作 q 键盘和光学鼠标模式

    TouchWiz UI 三星的 tw 专业用户界面

    DivX video support right out of the box    dvix 视频格式硬件支持

    Above average audio quality 出色的音质

    Headset comes with a 3.5mm audio jack 耳机上面有 3.5mm 转换口

    Main disadvantages: 重要的缺点

    No stylus slot 没有笔槽

    Poor sunlight legibility 太阳光底下看不清屏幕

    Memory card not hot-swappable 存储卡不支持热插拔

    Non-standard display resolution 非常规的屏幕分辨率(我不赞同作者的观点)

    No dedicated 3D accelerator 没有专门的 3d 加速器

    Non-standard USB port 非标准 usb 接口

    Web browser lacks real Flash support 网页浏览不支持 flash

The PocketPC mid-season may as well be a hush before the storm with the HTC Touch Pro and Xperia waiting to be unleashed. But for now we have two other bitter rivals to keep us busy: Samsung i900 Omnia and HTC Touch Diamond. It truly is a great achievement for Samsung to have a gadget fit to stand up to the top PocketPC manufacturer HTC.

在 htc 的钻石 pro 和 x1 到来之前的 ppc 市场是寂静的。但是现在我们有两个对手来引起我们的注意:三星的 i900 和 htc 的钻石。三星在 ppc 领域确实取得了重大的进展和成绩。

Samsung i900 Omnia all over

The two devices are doing a great job standing their ground to the Apple iPhone 3G and it’s no wonder since each of them is technically more advanced than Apple’s creation. In fact, they have a lot of things in common with the iPhone – the full Touch UI, the nice multimedia capabilities and the superior web browsing experience. But we digress.

在阻击苹果的 ip3g 方面,钻石和 900 都干得不赖,这并不奇怪,因为从技术上讲要比苹果的产品更加先进些。实际上,它们和 ip 在很多地方是相近的 — 全触摸用户界面、优秀的多媒体能力和超级网页浏览功能。

We already saw the Diamond and Omnia in action and you’re free to replay the game here . The Diamond surely has a few things to offer over the Omnia (VGA screen, smaller size, 3D acceleration, and magnetic stylus) but it also has its issues here and there to make it a tough call indeed. We do hope however that this review will bring you a little closer to deciding your allegiance.

我们已经对钻石和 900 进行了评测,钻石确实在某些方面超过 900 ( vga 的屏幕,更小的体积、 3d 加速、磁铁手写笔),但是钻石也有这样那样的问题,使其成文一个不太好用的手机。我们希望这篇评测能让你更好的作出自己的选择。

Some of you that have already gone through the Diamond vs Omnia article might be probably wondering if this review is worth your time. Well, truthfully, we have put our every effort to make it worth it.

你们有些人已经看过了钻石和 900 的对比,可能在想这篇评测是否有必要继续看下去,事实上,我们作出了很多努力来让本文不浪费你的时间。

First of all, since we finished the grand battle between these two high-end handsets, we received a final retail unit of the Samsung Omnia, which proved much better both in performance and software equipment. We’ve taken care to reflect all those changes in this review. And there’s even more:

首先,在对两者进行完对比后,我们收到了零售版的 900 ,零售版比先前的工程机在运行表现和软件上面都有了很大的提升。我们将在本文中重点反应零售版的这些改进。

we’ve added more than 70 new interface screenshots (and there are new studio shots too) 我们增加了 70 副用户界面的图片

we’ve added a whole bunch of camera samples from the retail unit 增加了零售版的拍照样张

we’ve covered new topics such as the FM radio, the organizer, the mobile office and the full range of pre-installed applications 对 fm 收音、管理器、 office 软件和其它预装软件进行评测

we’ve covered the Opera 9.5 web browser in greater detail 用很大的篇幅描述 opera9.5 浏览器

So if we’ve got you interested enough, take the jump to the hardware inspection of Samsung i900 Omnia.

如果我们提起了你的兴趣,那么请收看 900 的硬件评测。

转载请注明:范的资源库 » 三星i900旗舰最详细翻译评测(一)

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