
电脑开机提示:The following DIMM modules(s) did not pass CPU memory test

电脑教程 diannaojiaocheng 3℃

电脑开机提示:The following DIMM modules(s) did not pass CPU memory test

许多用户在使用电脑的时候,经常会出现一些问题。最近就有不少用户在开机的时候,电脑显示The following DIMM modules(s) did not pass CPU memory test,但是就是进不去系统,这要怎么解决呢?下面小编就带着大家一起看看吧!


The following DIMM modules(s) did not pass CPU memory test

Please remove the modules(s)then plug again.

DIMM_A1 Disabled

Press F1 to Run SEtup

Press F2 to load default values and continue


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