

网络教程 app 1℃


当我第一次开始构建 colorify rocks(我的调色板网站)时,我不知道程序化颜色操作的兔子洞有多深。最初是一个简单的“让我构建一个颜色选择器”项目,后来变成了一次通过颜色理论、数学颜色空间和可访问性考虑的迷人旅程。今天,我想分享我在构建这个工具时学到的东西,以及一些可能对你自己的色彩冒险有所帮助的 python 代码。


哦,过了我。那时的你多么天真啊!我的旅程始于一个简单的目标:建立一个网站,人们可以在其中生成和保存调色板。容易,对吧?只需获取一个十六进制代码,然后…等等,什么是 hsl?为什么我们需要 rgb?那么 cmyk 到底是什么?

想看看我在说什么吗?查看我们对 #3b49df 的颜色分析


class color: def __init__(self, hex_code): self.hex = hex_code.lstrip(‘#’) # past me: "this is probably all i need!" def to_rgb(self): # my first "aha!" moment with color spaces r = int(self.hex[0:2], 16) g = int(self.hex[2:4], 16) b = int(self.hex[4:6], 16) return f"rgb({r},{g},{b})"



def _rgb_to_hsl(self): # this was my "mind-blown" moment r, g, b = [x/255 for x in (self.rgb[‘r’], self.rgb[‘g’], self.rgb[‘b’])] cmax, cmin = max(r, g, b), min(r, g, b) delta = cmax – cmin # the math that made me question everything i knew about colors h = 0 if delta != 0: if cmax == r:h = 60 * (((g – b) / delta) % 6) elif cmax == g:h = 60 * ((b – r) / delta + 2) else:h = 60 * ((r – g) / delta + 4) l = (cmax + cmin) / 2 s = 0 if delta == 0 else delta / (1 – abs(2 * l – 1)) return { ‘h’: round(h), ‘s’: round(s * 100), ‘l’: round(l * 100) }


我为 colorify rocks 构建的最令人兴奋的功能之一是色彩和谐生成器。事实证明,颜色之间有关系,就像音符一样!以下是我实现色彩和谐的方法:

def get_color_harmonies(self, color): """ this is probably my favorite piece of code in the entire project. it’s like playing with a color wheel, but in code! """ h, s, l = color.hsl[‘h’], color.hsl[‘s’], color.hsl[‘l’] return { ‘plementary’: self._get_plementary(h, s, l), ‘analogous’: self._get_analogous(h, s, l), ‘triadic’: self._get_triadic(h, s, l), ‘split_plementary’: self._get_split_plementary(h, s, l) }def _get_analogous(self, h, s, l): # the magic numbers that make designers happy return [ self._hsl_to_hex((h – 30) % 360, s, l), self._hsl_to_hex(h, s, l), self._hsl_to_hex((h + 30) % 360, s, l) ]



def simulate_color_blindness(self, color, type=’protanopia’): """ this feature wasn’t in my original plan, but it became one of the most important parts of colorify rocks """ matrices = { ‘protanopia’: [[0.567, 0.433, 0],[0.558, 0.442, 0],[0, 0.242, 0.758] ], # added more types after learning about different forms of color blindness ‘deuteranopia’: [[0.625, 0.375, 0],[0.7, 0.3, 0],[0, 0.3, 0.7] ] } # matrix multiplication that makes sure everyone can use our color palettes return self._apply_color_matrix(color, matrices[type])

随着 colorify rocks 的发展,设计师开始要求更多功能。大的?颜色的色调和色调。这导致了一些有趣的实验:

def get_color_variations(self, color, steps=10): """ This started as a simple feature request and turned into one of our most-used tools """ return { ‘shades’: self._generate_shades(color, steps), ‘tints’: self._generate_tints(color, steps), ‘tones’: self._generate_tones(color, steps) }


转载请注明:范的资源库 » 颜色理论:以编程方式玩转颜色

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