

网络教程 app 1℃




1. 提示模板工程1.1 模板设计模式

from typing import protocol, dictfrom jinja2 import templateclass prompttemplate(protocol): def render(self, **kwargs) -> str: passclass jinjaprompttemplate: def __init__(self, template_string: str): self.template = template(template_string) def render(self, **kwargs) -> str: return self.template.render(**kwargs)class promptlibrary: def __init__(self): self.templates: dict[str, prompttemplate] = {} def register_template(self, name: str, template: prompttemplate): self.templates[name] = template def get_template(self, name: str) -> prompttemplate: return self.templates[name]

1.2 版本控制和测试

class promptversion: def __init__(self, version: str, template: str, metadata: dict): self.version = version self.template = template self.metadata = metadata self.test_cases = [] def add_test_case(self, inputs: dict, expected_output: str): self.test_cases.append((inputs, expected_output)) def validate(self) -> bool: template = jinjaprompttemplate(self.template) for inputs, expected in self.test_cases:result = template.render(**inputs)if not self._validate_output(result, expected): return false return true

. 分层内存系统 .1 内存架构

from typing import any, listfrom datetime import datetimeclass memoryentry: def __init__(self, content: any, importance: float): self.content = content self.importance = importance self.timestamp = datetime.now() self.access_count = 0class memorylayer: def __init__(self, capacity: int): self.capacity = capacity self.memories: list[memoryentry] = [] def add(self, entry: memoryentry): if len(self.memories) >= self.capacity:self._evict() self.memories.append(entry) def _evict(self): # implement memory eviction strategy self.memories.sort(key=lambda x: x.importance * x.access_count) self.memories.pop(0)class hierarchicalmemory: def __init__(self): self.working_memory = memorylayer(capacity=5) self.short_term = memorylayer(capacity=50) self.long_term = memorylayer(capacity=1000) def store(self, content: any, importance: float): entry = memoryentry(content, importance) if importance > 0.8:self.working_memory.add(entry) elif importance > 0.5:self.short_term.add(entry) else:self.long_term.add(entry)

.2 内存检索和索引

from typing import list, tupleimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarityclass memoryindex: def __init__(self, embedding_model): self.embedding_model = embedding_model self.embeddings = [] self.memories = [] def add(self, memory: memoryentry): embedding = self.embedding_model.embed(memory.content) self.embeddings.append(embedding) self.memories.append(memory) def search(self, query: str, k: int = 5) -> list[tuple[memoryentry, float]]: query_embedding = self.embedding_model.embed(query) similarities = cosine_similarity([query_embedding], self.embeddings )[0] top_k_indices = np.argsort(similarities)[-k:] return [(self.memories[i], similarities[i]) for i in top_k_indices ]

3. 可观察的推理链3.1 链结构

from typing import list, optionalfrom dataclasses import dataclassimport uuid@dataclassclass thoughtnode: content: str confidence: float supporting_evidence: list[str]class reasoningchain: def __init__(self): self.chain_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.nodes: list[thoughtnode] = [] self.metadata = {} def add_thought(self, thought: thoughtnode): self.nodes.append(thought) def get_path(self) -> list[str]: return [node.content for node in self.nodes] def get_confidence(self) -> float: if not self.nodes:return 0.0 return sum(n.confidence for n in self.nodes) / len(self.nodes)

3.2 链条监测与分析

import loggingfrom opentelemetry import tracefrom prometheus_client import histogramreasoning_time = histogram( ‘reasoning_chain_duration_seconds’, ‘time spent in reasoning chain’)class chainmonitor: def __init__(self): self.tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__) def monitor_chain(self, chain: reasoningchain): with self.tracer.start_as_current_span("reasoning_chain") as span:span.set_attribute("chain_id", chain.chain_id)with reasoning_time.time(): for node in chain.nodes: with self.tracer.start_span("thought") as thought_span:thought_span.set_attribute( "confidence", node.confidence)logging.info( f"thought: {node.content} " f"(confidence: {node.confidence})")

4. 组件解耦和复用4.1 界面设计

from abc import abc, abstractmethodfrom typing import generic, typevart = typevar(‘t’)class ponent(abc, generic[t]): @abstractmethod def process(self, input_data: t) -> t: passclass pipeline: def __init__(self): self.ponents: list[ponent] = [] def add_ponent(self, ponent: ponent): self.ponents.append(ponent) def process(self, input_data: any) -> any: result = input_data for ponent in self.ponents:result = ponent.process(result) return result

4.2 组件注册

class ponentregistry: _instance = none def __new__(cls): if cls._instance is none:cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)cls._instance.ponents = {} return cls._instance def register(self, name: str, ponent: ponent): self.ponents[name] = ponent def get(self, name: str) -> optional[ponent]: return self.ponents.get(name) def create_pipeline(self, ponent_names: list[str]) -> pipeline: pipeline = pipeline() for name in ponent_names:ponent = self.get(name)if ponent: pipeline.add_ponent(ponent) return pipeline

5. 性能监控和优化5.1 性能指标

from dataclasses import dataclassfrom typing import dictimport time@dataclassclass performancemetrics: latency: float memory_usage: float token_count: int success_rate: floatclass performancemonitor: def __init__(self): self.metrics: dict[str, list[performancemetrics]] = {} def record_operation( self, operation_name: str, metrics: performancemetrics ): if operation_name not in self.metrics:self.metrics[operation_name] = [] self.metrics[operation_name].append(metrics) def get_average_metrics( self, operation_name: str ) -> optional[performancemetrics]: if operation_name not in self.metrics:return none metrics_list = self.metrics[operation_name] return performancemetrics(latency=sum(m.latency for m in metrics_list) / len(metrics_list),memory_usage=sum(m.memory_usage for m in metrics_list) / len(metrics_list),token_count=sum(m.token_count for m in metrics_list) / len(metrics_list),success_rate=sum(m.success_rate for m in metrics_list) / len(metrics_list) )

5.2 优化策略

class PerformanceOptimizer: def __init__(self, monitor: PerformanceMonitor): self.monitor = monitor self.thresholds = {‘latency’: 1.0, # seconds’memory_usage’: 512, # MB’token_count’: 1000,’success_rate’: 0.95 } def analyze_performance(self, operation_name: str) -> List[str]: metrics = self.monitor.get_average_metrics(operation_name) if not metrics:return [] remendations = [] if metrics.latency > self.thresholds[‘latency’]:remendations.append( "Consider implementing caching or parallel processing") if metrics.memory_usage > self.thresholds[‘memory_usage’]:remendations.append( "Optimize memory usage through batch processing") if metrics.token_count > self.thresholds[‘token_count’]:remendations.append( "Implement prompt optimization to reduce token usage") if metrics.success_rate < self.thresholds[‘success_rate’]:remendations.append( "Review error handling and implement retry mechanisms") return remendations





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