有没有想过你的 python 协程如何能够在不造成交通拥堵的情况下很好地协同工作?让我们深入了解异步事件和条件的异想天开的世界 – 防止异步代码变成马戏团的无名英雄(除非您愿意)。
将 asyncio.event 视为代码中的红绿灯。协程排队并耐心(或不那么耐心)等待灯变绿,然后再缩小。
import asyncioasync def pedestrian(event): print("pedestrian is waiting for the signal.") await event.wait() print("pedestrian crosses the street.")async def traffic_light(event): print("traffic light is red.") await asyncio.sleep(2) event.set() print("traffic light turns green.")async def main(): event = asyncio.event() await asyncio.gather(pedestrian(event), traffic_light(event))asyncio.run(main())
pedestrian is waiting for the signal.traffic light is red.traffic light turns green.pedestrian crosses the street.
条件:俱乐部 vip 通行证
asyncio.condition 就像高级俱乐部的保镖。你不仅需要俱乐部开放(有条件),还需要满足一定的条件(await condition.wait())。
import asyncioasync def clubber(condition, name): async with condition: print(f"{name} wants to enter the club.") await condition.wait() print(f"{name} enters the club.")async def bouncer(condition): await asyncio.sleep(2) async with condition: print("bouncer signals someone can enter.") condition.notify()async def main(): condition = asyncio.condition() await asyncio.gather( clubber(condition, "alice"), clubber(condition, "bob"), bouncer(condition) )asyncio.run(main())
alice wants to enter the club.bob wants to enter the club.bouncer signals someone can enter.alice enters the club.
在此示例中,只有一名俱乐部成员可以进入俱乐部,因为保镖只向一个人发出信号 (condition.notify())。另一名俱乐部成员仍在无限期地等待。如果你想让每个人都进来(聚会时间!),你可以使用condition.notify_all()。
import asyncioasync def clubber(condition, name): async with condition: print(f"{name} wants to enter the club.") await condition.wait() print(f"{name} enters the club.")async def bouncer(condition): await asyncio.sleep(2) async with condition: print("bouncer signals everyone can enter.") condition.notify_all()async def main(): condition = asyncio.condition() await asyncio.gather( clubber(condition, "alice"), clubber(condition, "bob"), bouncer(condition) )asyncio.run(main())
Alice wants to enter the club.Bob wants to enter the club.Bouncer signals everyone can enter.Alice enters the club.Bob enters the club.
现在,您应该对 asyncio events 和 conditions 的工作原理有了更清晰的了解。他们是幕后协调者,确保一切顺利进行。
以上就是异步事件和条件:Python 交通信号的秘密生活的详细内容,更多请关注范的资源库其它相关文章!
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